
Be found at a spin of globe

Modern customers are very mobile and can visit your local business from anywhere. Let your business be found at a spin.
By listing your business on BizyGlobe, your local business will be more visible to a wider audience. Promoting your local business widely, using your business logo, product or service images, promotional offers, and highly rated customer reviews, is an excellent strategy to attract new customer attention.
Let your business page, without any third-party distractions, be a powerful tool to attract new customers to your business.

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Connect with your community

Stay connected with your neighborhood, your prime customer base.
meNeighbour is a free, specialized social network designed to help foster friendly, connected communities.
Whether you're a local business, landscaper, handyman, caregiver, auto mechanic, dentist or just a friendly neighbour, meNeighbour serves as an online community board to connect with your neighborhood.
Add social media muscle to your business promotion and let social influence do the magic for your business growth.

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Hire smart, hire local

Your local business has a significant impact on the local economy. Finding the help-wanted for your business should be simple and cost-effective. Hire locals and promote local talent and skills thus growing as a strong business leader in the neighborhood.
Tapintal, a freemium job portal, helps you find the help you need just around the corner at a minimal or free cost for your local business.

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Who we are

JT TechnoSoft is an omni-channel business promotion solutions provider for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Whether it is connecting a local business with their neighbourhood, the prime customer base, or taking a small business to be found where modern mobile customers are searching, or connecting a small business with local talent for the help wanted, JT Technosoft has a unique approach and socially-responsible solution for small and medium businesses.

Small businesses are the backbone of our economy. As local employers and proactive community partners, local businesses play a crucial role in every aspect of the growing economy. Empowering local businesses with tools to connect and promote their business service on neighbourhood social media, to hire local talent for the help wanted, and to be found at a spin of the globe by modern mobile customers, JT TechnoSoft has a global vision to promote and support local businesses in a socially responsible manner.

'Respect user privacy' is our core policy. No privacy invasion, no compromise to data privacy.